
The history of our company begins in 2007, when a small team of specialists has organized an agency that provides services in the field of marketing communications. Over the next few years, we did promotional campaigns, sponsorship integrations, exhibition stands, road shows, conferences, corporate events.

For the following 8 years we lived through crisis, collaboration with another agency and the unification of offices, we had staff growth up to 100 people, more than 2 thousand projects have been implemented for large international and Russian banks, FMCG, IT, automobile and telecom companies.


In 2015, bearing in mind the market and the economic situation, we decided to concentrate on a clear focus in the company’s sphere of activity – the organization of HR events.


In 2017, after 2 years of conscious work in the selected niche, CITYMETRIA becomes the TOP-3 agency in the quality of the service provided in the EVENTS direction, according to AdIndex, and # 1 in the segment "quality of the service provided in the HR direction" of the same rating.

We have many industrial awards and customer recognition, confirmed by many years of effective cooperation.

#1 in the segment “quality of service provided in the HR direction”
TOP-3 on the quality of the service provided in the direction of "EVENTS"

Having achieved success and customer recognition, in 2018 we made a breakthrough in self-awareness, realized why we love each other and why our customers love us. We have formulated the secret of the high quality of our services.

The processes ensuring the successful functioning of the company are based on the philosophy - "There is the point". This English stable expression in Russian sounds like "It makes sense."


Accepting this concept, we realized that it works not only for the external and internal business processes of the company, it works in any life situation.!

The presence of Sense makes it possible to quickly and effectively respond to any stress, make simple decisions, which are based on analytics, experience and real honest acceptance of the situation.

Over the years, we have seen that many processes in the Russian event industry do not make sense, and this complicates the development of the business.

And today we see our goal in creating a trend towards reforming the event market in the Russian Federation, creating a clear and transparent cross-structure of relations between all participants.

Now I want to appeal to our partners, suppliers and customers – let’s not just work effectively, let’s do it with a Meaning.

And then we all can win from this.

Your Vladimir Zozulya
Competition / Festival
2nd place in the nomination "Best business event for business audience" for the project "Security Analysts Summit"
Kaspersky Lab
Golden puzzle
1st place in the category "Best client event" for the project "Security Analyst Summit 2018"
Kaspersky Lab
Event of the year
Winner in the nomination "Business event of the year"
"International Agricultural Forum of vegetable crops"
Golden puzzle
2nd place in the nomination "Best business event"
"International Agricultural Forum of vegetable crops"
Silver mercury
2nd place in the nomination "Best implementation of b2b event"
"International Agricultural Forum of vegetable crops"
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